Are corporate jobs actually safer than starting your own business?

Isaiah Trotter
2 min readJul 28, 2021


You’ve heard it said, and you might have said it yourself, that landing a nice job working for someone is the safer way to go financially. You get benefits and a steady pay, and food is always going to be put on the table… right? At the hand of your employer you survive. Because freelancing, or, heaven forbid, starting a business, seems like such a shot in the dark.

  • Am I going to get work this month?
  • How can I get clients?
  • What if I’m not successful?
  • Is this sustainable?
  • etc…

Becoming your own boss presents a lot of unknowns which increases the perceived risk. There is a way to mitigate that risk though, and it’s by generating multiple sources of income.

Most people find themselves in the category of working in a single job. When that’s your only source of income, you find that you really don’t want to rock the boat.

Uh oh! You don’t agree with the politics of the company. Better make sure you keep that spine of yours flaccid like a cooked spaghetti noodle because you can’t risk saying something that might get your fired.

In our field, maybe you need to design a pride logo for your company during the month of June. Maybe it’s a gay pride t-shirt. Perhaps it’s animating a short story ripe with transexual themes. Whatever the case may be, culture is heading this direction, and you either go with the grain or against it. And this is not a question of “if”, but “when”.

The hilarity is that the same businesses which promise security and benefits will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat to continue their virtue signaling. In other words:

Your security is entirely conditional on your willingness to celebrate the spirit of our age; namely, androgyny and sexual sin.

So to answer the question, corporate jobs are the riskiest positions if you’ve got a moral backbone. It’s the only place where your success rate is 0% — being fired (and cancelled) is inevitable.

The way I see it, there are three options:

  1. Compromise your morals
  2. Become a pioneer
  3. Join someone else who is pioneering

My mission is to awaken men of their “2” potential as it relates to design. We need 3s, but we’re in dire need of 2s.

Whether you’re a college student or professional, I intend to produce practical and actionable content that will stimulate those primal urges of adventure. The part of you that craves building something great. And for those who don’t know you’re a 2 yet, I want to unplug you from the mindset which still clings to the “safe” world of internships and corporate jobs.

Besides, security doesn’t ultimately come from jobs, men, money, or what I write. It’s the God of the Bible.

How’s that for staking your flag in the ground?

Let’s begin.



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